Thursday, March 11, 2010

untainted tunes

there's something about knowing about a band before everyone else does. not in an entitled way but in the sense that the music from this band you're hearing hasn't been heard by a lot of other people and it makes it that much more new and special and different and exciting and yours. you don't have a preconceived notion about the band based on who their fan base is and what other people's opinions of them are. you haven't been tainted by countless music videos and interviews. you don't even know what this band looks like, you just know they sound fuckin' rad.

the band is a new find, a treasure discovered in whatever way, and you totally dig their sound. based on nothing other than the music. and isn't that what its all about?

what bothers me is people who were at one time fans of a formerly more obscure band who become jaded and condescending towards them once they (the band) become well known/popular/mainstream. suddenly they're "selling out" because they're successful. i've never bought that. but then again, i'm a coldplay fan, so what do i know.

this reminds me of conan o'brien's message to his fans on his last ever episode of the tonight show:

“All I ask of you is one thing, and I’m asking this particularly of young people: please don’t be cynical. I hate cynicism- it’s my least favorite quality and it doesn’t lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you’re kind, amazing things will happen.”

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